About me, my family, my creations!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh has it been that long????????????

In all thats been going on right now I had no idea that it had been so long since I had bothered to type up a blog. Dont get me wrong I am completly enjoying sharing my life with the outside world, through thoughts and demonstrations of creativeness. I just have been swamped by a chain of events!

These events have been as follows-

*I got off my bum and enrolled in a course at TAFE- Professional writing and editing...about time!

*Jay is till working away during the week, leaving me as a single mum on the weekdays, who I might add is very sleep deprived and worn out!Tackling kinder and all the kids activities single handidly. Yes we do miss you Jay!!!!!!

(Jax 1st day of kinder)

*Many things to tend to around the house and garden as you will see in the picture below!

*Two boys equally mischevious as the next and very, very busy!

So now you can see my schedule has been CRAZY! One thing that I am most looking forward to is the fact that I get to go away with SOOZ, Cath and some great bloggers to Ocean Grove in 2 weeks time and just be! I am going to be doing homework but I think it is safe to say that I will most definetly be participating in some fine crafting conversation and a lovely 1 hour massage! (I think I deserve it. if only you could see what I look like right now! Not a pretty sight!)

Back to school talk now. Best decision I have made so far. Even if I am only 3 weeks into it. I have to say that I am really loving meeting new people and having a fair bit in common with them too. The course is so creative with a lot of theory and creative writing. I am learining all the basic grammar skills again and also learning how to structure a novel as well as how to get the confidence to get up and read at the term readings....something I am yet to master!!!!!!

Well have to leave this one short but sweet. I hope that next time I write I have an uncontolable urge to show you something new I have made .....could be soon! Or perhaps something I have written. Stay tuned!

Oh how could I forget..Thanks SOOZ for the great pattern idea of a kids playmat. I have made one called "3 Little Ducks" Very much the same as Sooz's great farm play mat she made Amy. Hope it's up to chop.Loved making it. kaya also equally loves playing with them!