About me, my family, my creations!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Timing May be everything?

It may be true that timing is everything. However in my case, this last week feels like I am in some bizarre time wreck!It all started with my outburst/breakdown last Tuesday. I was a mess. Yelling, screaming, crying and generally going completely bananas. I had had enough of everything. Much to my disgust and annoyance, I was told that it was pathetic that I cant handle my partner being away for 4 months. I was told that people have husbands away at war so why cant I cope. My question is have you been alone with my boys for 5 days 24hrs a day?
So I thought to myself; bugger them all. I am not living in the 1950's where the wife was the home maker and never even had a whim of Independence. Why on earth would you even make this comment to someone who is suffering from lack of sleep, let alone on the edge?
The rest of the week dragged on until it was Thursday. I independently packed my car. Went food shopping. Wrangled my kids up and the dog. Got into the car and drove to Merrijig. It was time for a family weekend. To catch up on what it is actually like being in a family situation as it has been so non existent lately!
I was humming along the road and felt free for a minute, while the kids slept. I talked to the dog as the radio signal kept dropping out. After a couple of near misses with a truck and a dickhead in a pig rig (Ute made up to shoot things) I was there. I did darn good I thought to get all that way and still be in one piece. However the Suby had other ideas. It was making a whirr noise when we got there. I put that to the way side though and began to enjoy the high country life. And so the weekend began.
It was days of 4WD, swimming, walking, going to the pub and sight seeing. The kids had a ball. I had my first experience of driving the car up a bloody huge hill. (All the while I was shitting myself mind you.) It was fun packed and I even bought some lovely fleece to felt with. Definitely a fun weekend.

When it was time to leave on Monday morning, after the over indulgence of Easter eggs. We went to start the Suby. "Whirrr....GGGG..WRRRRRRR." Jay and I both looked at each other and said "OH SHIT!" Not completely sure whether the engine is ceased, but pretty sure. We decided to bite the bullet and get a new car. It was a sad day. Jay then had to drive us home and then commute back by himself to Merrijig......bugger!

All round I am now falling back into that crazy woman who came out last week as I am now car-less and waiting to see whether finance is available to us.(Bloody banks suck!) I am concerned as the accountant has taken 2 days to find out what we can do and I nee a car now! It means that I am now stuck at home with no transport available to me. I definetly wont we walking anywhere, typically when it rains it pours. Good excuse to get into some sewing and cooking. Oh dear dont tell me I am turning into the 1950's wife. Next I will be setting my hair in curlers and wearing a pink frilly apron...........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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